4 Solutions to Normalize Shower Water Pressure



Having a shower inside your home can be a good way to start your day or end it at night. This handy plumbing fixture allows you to bathe faster and better. Rather than store water in several containers and bathing manually, a shower can make your lives easier. But of course, there will be complications and problems with your shower after some time of using it.

These problems can arise, especially if you haven’t called on a plumber to maintain your bathroom on a regular basis. One of the challenges you will encounter with your shower is not having enough pressure in it. As such, here are some ways to remedy this problem.

Replace Your Old Showerhead

First and foremost, one of the easiest solutions to this particular problem is getting a new showerhead to replace the old one. Your current showerhead may have attained a lot usage after a long amount of time.  Due to this constant usage, the internal components of your showerhead may have deteriorated. Once this happens, no amount of repair can restore your showerhead to its optimal condition.

Turn Your Water Main a Notch Higher

When your shower doesn’t have enough pressure, the water main may be at fault. If you are experiencing this specific problem with your shower, you would need to locate your property’s water main valve. Turn the dial all the way up so more water can enter your house’s plumbing system. With more water available for your shower, you can expect this bathroom fixture’s pressure to rise. Be careful though, because your water consumption might exceed your normal usage and you will have to pay more at the end of each month.

Clean the Plumbing Pipes Connected to Your Shower

A plumbing system that isn’t maintained regularly will accumulate a lot of dirt and harmful elements in it. Once this happens, the number of minerals, grease, rust, and other materials will obstruct the flow of water to your shower. Furthermore, using this kind of water won’t be safe at all for you and your loved ones. To fix this predicament, you would need to have every plumbing fixture and pipe in your house cleaned. This act will get rid of all those harmful elements and return the flow of water into your home. At the same time, having your shower and all the components connected to it cleaned will surely return water pressure to its normal levels.

Get a New Water Volume Control for Your Shower

After you have done the first three steps and your shower’s water pressure hasn’t returned, it might be time to get a new water volume control to replace the old one. As the same suggests, this tool regulates the flow of water into the showerhead to ensure a bathing experience that’s up to your standards.

If you need to find a new water volume control, it would be best to call a professional plumber to find one for you and install it in your bathroom. This should be done to avoid making a mistake when you replace the old water volume control and make things worse in your home.

If you need a thorough discussion on this, it is detailed here: Full Service Plumbers