Why Do You Need to Address Water Damage Right Away?

Why Is Your Stucco Water Damaged?

If you discover water damage in your stucco, you must first determine what caused it before proceeding with repairs. What caused water to enter your home’s siding?

The most prevalent issue is that your home’s stucco needs to be better built and placed. When done correctly, excellent stucco repels water. In most circumstances, that is sufficient to keep it secure. When done incorrectly, though, the stucco begins to absorb water instead.

Furthermore, if the stucco is not properly placed, you may begin to experience damage. You may face additional difficulties later if the contractor needs more expertise. They may fail to include sufficient drainage, which enables water to exit, or sealing, which prevents water from entering around windows and doors.

Why Do You Need to Address the Problem Right Away?

There is always something to be done. around the house, and a little water damage seems optional right now. On the other hand, water-damaged stucco is more than simply an aesthetic concern.

If you overlook water damage for an extended period of time, it will eventually create decay. If you leave it for too long, it can rot the whole house’s walls. It will be very costly to replace your home’s walls since you disregarded the water.

In addition to decay, mold is a possibility. This causes a slew of health problems and further problems with your house. The sooner you address the water damage, the less mold you’ll have to deal with.

When selling your property, you must also consider water damage. You should consider curb appeal, but you should also consider how you will sell your property. Many potential buyers will not purchase a property if there is water damage to the stucco since this might conceal larger problems.

When Should You Seek Professional Assistance?

You must handle any evidence of harm that you discover. Because stucco is such a specialized work, you’ll need to consult with the pros. If you notice any problems, contact a specialist straight once. They will be able to come out and examine the extent of the damage.

They can utilize tools to examine the situation if they can’t see where the harm is. They will drill a tiny hole in the wall to check what is within and whether any water has gotten in. They will advise you on the best course of action if they discover anything.

While it may be tempting to fix the damage oneself, it is better to leave this to the pros. Remember that improperly built stucco creates these issues, which you want to avoid.


When it comes to water damage in your stucco, you now know what to check for. Keep an eye on it and, if necessary, ask for assistance. It may be readily corrected if found soon, so don’t put it off.